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Work with the specialists for organizational consulting, management diagnostics, executive search and headhunting in IT


Founded by a DAX Chief Digital Officer, we have high demands on our work and extensive technical expertise. Further, we have in-depth experience working with start-ups as well as corporations.


Candidates rate the collaboration with adoleo on average with 4.8 / 5 stars (Q1 / 2020) on Google and kununu ™.


With processes tailored to our customers, we usually fill specialist positions after only 60 days. The first candidate interviews start within 14 days.


Our team goes through lengthy internal and external qualification processes from Amazon and Google, among others, in order to be optimally trained for your projects.

Artificial Intelligence

We work AI-supported with artificial intelligence using in-house developed systems and achieve tangible competitive advantages for our customers.


We are authentic: Among other things, we designed and programmed this website ourselves – we understand our area of expertise. Our exceptionally high customer satisfaction and recommendation rate are the best compliments.

adoleo is a specialist and strong partner for modern IT organizations

Our expertise in information technology is very broad, from typical roles like the IT Architect , the IT Security Officer or the Salesforce Consultant and of course on C level the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief Technology Officer (CTO) adoleo has a lot of experience in the development of your organization.

In fact, at adoleo we therefore differentiate according to the different domains in the area of Information Technology. We for example include Cloud Architects and Network Engineers within the area of Network & Infrastructure. Application Developer and Software Architects are lead by our area Tech & Development. The area of Data & Business Intelligence is present with profiles such as Data Scientist, Director of Business Intelligence or SAP Hana Specialist .
For technical reasons, we differentiate strongly between the domains because the complexity of job profiles has increased steadily in recent years, frameworks and programming languages are becoming more specific, and some specialist areas such as e-Commerce e.g. with roles like Hybris SAP Commerce Cloud Engineer or Intershop Engineer have their own highly specialized developers.

Our teams at adoleo are correspondingly deep in the matter, understand the details, and actively deal with trends and movements in the industry. For example, our adoleo team in Cologne designed, programmed, and maintains this website itself. Practical knowledge in our domains is an indispensable part of the training of our employees for your projects at adoleo.

If you are thinking about expanding, converting, internalizing or outsourcing your IT organization, adoleo is your competent contact fororganizational advice ! We outline your options for designing your Information Technology Units and show you best practices like job descriptions, KPI and variable goals of the individual roles, as well as the possibilities of a hybrid organization (partly in-house, partly externally).
Our adoleo experts also have the option of using our methodology developed by a DAX Chief Digital Officer (CDO) to lead through the management diagnostics. and support you in capturing the detailed status of your IT organization and, based on it, to develop scenarios for its further development or change. Often asked as part of a merger & acquisition (M&A) process, the adoleo management diagnostic forInformation Technology helps to find knowledge carriers but also potential in your organization. This opens up new ways to make your IT organization more stable, more efficient and future-proof. New strategies or new C level board memberslike a newChief Information Officer (CIO) orChief Digital Officer (CDO) appreciate this service very much because adoleo can make an important contribution to a company’s later IT strategy. Of course, in such an analysis, adjacent areas such as Data & Business Intelligence, Tech & Development, Digital Marketing, e-Commerce or Network & Infrastructure provide the most complete picture possible.

The services of adoleo in recruiting are also very much appreciated in this context: We offer you Headhunting for specialists like System Engineers or IT Buyers, together with our exclusive adoleo Executive Search also the filling of positions within the management or up to board level like a Chief Information Officer (CIO) or a Chief Technology Officer (CTO).
Our network is unique, because with adoleo you benefit directly from the network of a DAX Chief Digital Officer (CDO), who has access to groups of people who are otherwise difficult or impossible to reach publicly.

But even if you take on the recruitment of IT specialists as a company yourself, you know the challenges in times of acute shortage of skilled workers in Europe. To companies who want to improve their external image and become more present to specialists in IT adoleo offers employer branding consulting and services. This ensures that you can appear more target group-oriented and that potential new IT employees can find you more easily. And by the way, our adoleo team in Cologne designed, designed and programmed this entire website themselves. We are experts in our field!
But also in terms of recruitment of specialists there are some challenges in IT. Apart from the very high demand in the market, there is often also a challenge for companies to evaluate and classify the available candidates according to current trends in information technology.

adoleo offers you our candidate management for IT . We screen your candidates for your Information Technology jobs, regardless of the source. We assess the professional and factual components of the application and then scorch the candidates in your field of applicants. This gives you an already very meaningful basis for decision-making if your business focus is not already in IT.

Current trends in IT


The most pressing issue for all IT experts are increasing challenges in cybersecurity …

adoleo Insight: Cybersecurity

One of the biggest and most urgent trends is currently the security of critical IT systems. Moving critical infrastructure to the cloud has created many new, complex challenges for companies.


The planning of “offline scenarios” and disaster recovery has long been a company-wide topic …

adoleo Insight: Business Continuity

While people used to wonder what it would be like if "EDP" and thus accounting were offline, good planning is now essential in the event of hacker attacks, extortion or system errors. Nevertheless, many companies are just starting to play with the mind.


In-house data centers are often a model of the past. The “cloud” model prevails …

adoleo Insight: Cloud Computing

With services such as Office365 or BusinessOne, companies like Microsoft and SAP have often made their own data centers for small and medium-sized companies almost superfluous. The trend is towards increasingly decentralized services and technologies that are quickly scalable.

Information Technology - Modern IT is the core of digitization and has to reinvent itself

If, at the beginning of the 2000s, the area of responsibility for IT often lay within theC level or the board managed by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and represented on the board from a cost perspective, today theChief Information Officer (CIO)is an integral part of most board levels in companies.

The outsourcing of core tasks in regions such as Eastern Europe and India has decreased considerably in times of a severe shortage of skilled workers in Europe, as the former price advantages for IT Administratorsor IT Supporters in offshoring are no longer as serious as they used to be. Today you can find a Chief Service Delivery Officer (CSDO) usually in your own company and ensure the operation of the services directly
Rather, companies are currently focusing on the trend, to have their IT managers and important roles such as IT architects or IT security officeravailable directly on-premise. Background is the megatrend of digitization. Modern IT forms the backbone for this area and is facing extremely big challenges today, to be able to see the constantly growing landscape of technologies and services, which are finding their way more and more into business processes and often involve creeping big challenges.

Cyber security is one of the biggest challenges currently. The Californian IT Security Specialist Netwrix recently surveyed over 1,000 IT managers worldwide and received feedback from 100% of those surveyed that cybersecurity is the top issue. Accordingly, IT Consultants in this area as well as IT Security Officers or IT project managers are in extreme demand because most companies still fear the risk of hacker attacks or blackmail from ransomware.
That is why specialists are often chosen directly from the unit ofTech & Development to e.g. have Application Developersor Software Architectsnearby and working according to your own compliance.

Another increasingly pressing, but not so new component is the topic of “business continuity”. In short: what are failover scenarios after attacks, disruptions or other failures of the IT infrastructure? At times when the department Data & Business Intelligence saves through stakeholders like Director of Business Intelligence or Director of Data Science in collaboration with Data Warehouse Architects much of the sensitive company information in Cloud environments the risk of an attack from outside and the associated risks of a standstill or massive disruption of your own business processes is greater than ever before.
Ransomware infiltrated by Trojans is often used, which often exploits exploits in self-developed systems or 0-day gaps in widespread industrial software to encrypt systems and to demand ransom for their release, often in non-traceable cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. These challenges go well beyond the usual skills of specialists such as IT specialists in application development or IT specialists in system integrationand also most(Business) IT specialists and require external help from specialists. But even then it can take days and weeks before the situation can be resolved.

In this case the C level with the involvement of specialists like Chief Technology Officer (CTO) , Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or Chief Information Officer (CIO) prepare a plan in a “wargame room” that sets out all possible scenarios and ensures business continuity in the worst cases by planning backups and recovery or network isolation using smart “air gap” strategies.

An already relaxed-looking topic in the strong area Network & Infrastructure is the megatrend of cloud computing. Experts like Cloud Architects ,Network Architectsand Network Engineers most companies now have as regular IT staff. The background is that more and more applications no longer work on premise but off premise in the cloud. SAP Hana Specialistsand Salesforce Consultants have seen this coming for a long time, yet many companies still face the challenge that the stability and security of their own networks determine whether the critical infrastructure for business can be reached. And this no longer only within the company’s own campus in the local local area network (LAN) but often via complex virtual private networks (VPN) distributed over half the globe by providers such as SAP, Amazon Web Services (AWS), the Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure . Here Network Administrators and especiallyNetwork Reliability Engineersare crucial in a team.

Small and medium-sized companies, in particular, are increasingly relying on services such as Google G Suite or Microsoft Office 365, which means that they become dependent on cloud environments much earlier than large corporations. During the first wave of the Corona Pandemic Covid-19 in early 2020, many companies had to learn overnight whether their cloud infrastructure could meet the demands of permanent remote working from their home office. The demand for Unified Communications Engineersand System Engineersincreased rapidly.
Small companies can also help themselves by training their own specialists in-house: The Business Man for Digitization Managementor theManagement Assistent in IT Systemsare contemporary training fields that can already cover these tasks well for basic requirements.

The question of how to address these megatrends as an organization is often not an easy one. That is why we at adoleo have extensive expertise in Organizational consulting for IT. We are also covering related departments such as Tech & Development, e-Commerce, Data & Business Intelligence orNetwork & Infrastructurefor you.
Our methods developed by a DAX Chief Digital Officer (CDO) for themanagement diagnostics in IT provide you with valuable insights into the performance and expansion potential of your IT organization. This enables knowledge carriers and white spots to be identified quickly and reliably.

This portfolio is rounded off by our recruiting solutions in IT: whether Headhunting specialists in IT or the Executive Search for Executives and board members in IT, adoleo is your competent partner. Our network is unique and allows a fast, discreet and sustainable filling of your vacancies.

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