Driving Organizational Excellence™
- The organizational advice from adoleo

The adoleo organizational consultancy is a popular tool of numerous companies when it comes to establishing or improving a department or division within our expertise (find out more about our expertise here). We offer you a range of precisely adjusted options, which our methods developed by a DAX Chief Digital Officer use in the ideal combination for your project.

We recommend that you consider adoleo organizational consulting if your company

1) plans a strategic realignment,

2) provides for reorganization and expansion,

3) wants to change ownership or do M&A,

4) plans to set new priorities as part of the digital transformation.


Services provided by adoleo organizational consulting:

  • Simulation of organizations
  • Reconstruction of external organizations as an incubator or accelerator
  • Rebuilding of internal organizations
  • Restructuring of organizations
  • Organizational consulting with a focus on digital transformation

Discover your benefits

Work with the specialist for organizational consulting in the digital, IT, e-commerce & technology environment.


Founded by a DAX Chief Digital Officer, we have high demands on our work and extensive technical expertise. Further, we have in-depth experience working with start-ups as well as corporations.


Candidates rate the collaboration with adoleo on average with 4.8 / 5 stars (Q1 / 2020) on Google and kununu ™.


With processes tailored to our customers, we usually fill specialist positions after only 60 days. The first candidate interviews start within 14 days.


Our team goes through lengthy internal and external qualification processes from Amazon and Google, among others, in order to be optimally trained for your projects.

Artificial Intelligence

We work AI-supported with artificial intelligence using in-house developed systems and achieve tangible competitive advantages for our customers.


We are authentic: Among other things, we designed and programmed this website ourselves – we understand our area of expertise. Our exceptionally high customer satisfaction and recommendation rate are the best compliments.

Results of adoleo organizational consulting

The results of our work in adoleo organizational consulting are as varied as the tasks of our clients. We always work regarding our motto Driving Organizational Excellence™. Accordingly, we have the highest demands on our own work, but also on working with you.

To give you a sense of what kind of results can result from collaboration, we have listed a few examples. It goes without saying that this list is not exhaustive.

  • Strategic advice on planning & goals
  • Recommendations on reporting, responsibilities (RACI)
  • (Re-) definition of job descriptions
  • Introduction of models for digital performance evaluation
  • Development of digital performance matrices for evaluating variable KPIs (e.g. in connection with performance reviews or compensation & benefits schemes for bonuses or variable allowances)
  • Organizational benchmarking
  • Planning of expansion stages and simulation of scenarios
  • Compensation & Benefits Benchmark / Personnel cost planning

We are happy to offer you a free, no-obligation initial consultation with us at any time. You can describe your challenge and tasks in peace. We will then be happy to submit a non-binding proposal for cooperation along the process described in the upper section of this page.

Also often combined is our range of management diagnostics. There you will find further tools & methods for use in existing organizations, such as for example to ascertain performance, identify knowledge carriers, or analyze potentials. If you are not sure which service should be useful for you, we will be happy to advise you.

What is your current concern?

    We are looking forward to getting to know you!

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