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Work with the specialists for organizational consulting, management diagnostics, executive search and headhunting for the area of digital marketing


Founded by a DAX Chief Digital Officer, we have high demands on our work and extensive technical expertise. Further, we have in-depth experience working with start-ups as well as corporations.


Candidates rate the collaboration with adoleo on average with 4.8 / 5 stars (Q1 / 2020) on Google and kununu ™.


With processes tailored to our customers, we usually fill specialist positions after only 60 days. The first candidate interviews start within 14 days.


Our team goes through lengthy internal and external qualification processes from Amazon and Google, among others, in order to be optimally trained for your projects.

Artificial Intelligence

We work AI-supported with artificial intelligence using in-house developed systems and achieve tangible competitive advantages for our customers.


We are authentic: Among other things, we designed and programmed this website ourselves – we understand our area of expertise. Our exceptionally high customer satisfaction and recommendation rate are the best compliments.

We are your strong partner when it comes to your digital and data driven marketing organization of tomorrow!

Modern companies are already using a large number of new job profiles and specialists for digital marketing. For example Content-Managerbut also Web Designer, SEO Manager or E-Mail Marketing Manager or CRM Manager now belong to the permanent staff of every successful company.
Nevertheless, many entrepreneurs are faced with the question of how they can further scale their organization from the first, initial steps in digital marketing.

Attribution models, usually designed byWeb Analystsfor the e-Commerce,often leaveexperienced executives like theDigital Marketing Directordesperate, because often they are working with hundreds of variables and arecurse and blessing for the Digital Marketing at the same time, also due to a strong involvement ofData & Business Intelligence.

adoleo specifically helps companies to find out how the ideal marketing organization can be built. As part of our organizational consulting we deal intensively with the individual corporate goals, the budgets but also the media mix modeling and help to outline different layouts for your new, essentially digital marketing organization. We help you specifically to take the step towards digitization.

We are also successfully expanding existing, established digital marketing units. With our own Management Diagnostics Methodology, , developed by a DAX chief digital officer, we track down white spots in today’s marketing organization. Then we show ways and means of leveraging these potentials through the further development of existing resources and ultimately strategically transferring them into new performance corridors, of course taking into account existing specialist areas such as e-Commerce or Business Development & Digital Sales. The resulting job descriptions, which are strongly geared towards digital marketing KPIs (key performance indicators), are the blueprint for your new digital marketing organization and can be filled in a further step by you or by us with internal and external specialists and managers. It can also often be used to define a Digital Media & Performance Marketing Organisation more precisely and to classify it in regard to the company’s context.

Our range of services for the digital marketing department is rounded off by our recruiting services. We e.g. offer targeted Headhunting for specialists but alsoExecutive Search for directors and members of the C Suite such as the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) . Our network is unique and usually enables us to complete projects much faster than usual in the market. You benefit directly from the contacts of a real DAX Chief Digital Officer and you can be sure that you will reach relevant and difficult to reach passive candidates for your company in the normal job market.

Incidentally, we also help companies that want to shape these processes actively by themselves to use digital marketing successfully in the HR environment: We offer targeted employer branding advice and services with which we present your company in a lively and attractive way via the digital channels. For example, this entire website was designed, designed and programmed by our adoleo team in Cologne. Take a look around!

And of course you can also profit from the Candidate Management for specialists in Digital Marketing: We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to find suitable candidates and suitable profiles for roles like Salesforce Marketing Cloud Manager, Digital Marketing Manager or Customer Experience Manager and to evaluate if these areas are still new or are not common due to the company’s focus and topics such as Information Technology, Data & Business Intelligence or Digital Media & Performance Marketing or Digital Marketing are only marginal areas. Our candidate management service allows you to hand over this part of the selection process to us so that you can concentrate on the tasks that will bring your company forward in the long term. We take on the task for you of checking the applications received from any source for technical and factual correctness and scoring the applicant field. At all times, we make sure that you know the current status of the incoming applications and adhere precisely to the timings specified by you.

Current trends in digital marketing

Voice Search

Brands and companies show presence in digital assistants like Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa or Apple Siri …

adoleo Insight: Voice Search

According to the GFK, 34% of German digital language assistants already used Q4 / 2019. 26% would also like to go shopping. A greenfield for new customer journies and brands!

Conversational Marketing

Away from the one-way street push marketing and the newsletter to dialogue-oriented marketing formats ..

adoleo Insight: Conversational Marketing

Whether like adoleo via Whatsapp, via other chat or fashion preparation via co-browsing. New professional fields and marketing dimensions open up in dialogue-driven marketing directly on a PC or smartphone.


Thanks to cloud technology, content can be rendered in real-time and customized to individual users …

adoleo Insight: Hyper-Personalization

What we know so far from the travel and gaming industry is finding its way into more and more companies. Platforms like the Google Marketing Cloud or the Adobe Advertising Cloud make it possible even for the smallest providers.

Today, companies are realizing the new market reality with digital marketing

Even small Cafés and the bike shop around the corner today work with specialists likeSocial Media Managersor Community Managers and because of this have a locally relevant and for the target group easy to track digital presence. While in the past century large corporations were using advertising created by PR-Managers, today billions of advertising media, often specifically designed bySearch Engine Advertising (SEA) Managers,is present on the internet and creates a new market reality. Using Data & Business Intelligenceand together with Digital Media & Performance Marketingmarketing campaigns get supported by algorithms and can be delivered precisely.

You no longer need your own Communikations Designer or Online Editorto draw attention to yourself as a company.
It is often no longer enough for larger companies to rely on just one channel. Often and with the help of a Head of Social Mediaalsready strong channels on platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, twitter, Instagram, etc. have been set up without the complex help ofUX Designers, UI Designersor technical SEO Managers . Also highly personalized E-Mail Marketing targeting a wide variety of customer segments has now become the standard. Vouchers and discounts are targeted by specialists such as Consumer Lifecycle Manager , played out along the lifecycle of the customers and should thus increase brand loyalty. Technologies like the Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Performance Marketing make this possible.

The entry barrier of high, initial set-up costs and complex IT projects that still existed in the past decades has now fallen thanks to modern cloud technology. The department Information Technology is often no longer responsible for decisions of this kind. Requirements come out much more throughDigital Media & Performance Marketingin direct connection to Digital Marketing . Often even Social Media Managersor Web Analystsin small start-ups can work with the same tools and technologies like theMedia Director or Digital Advertising Manager of a big corporation.

For many companies, a completely new market reality has arisen, in which much more attention has to be paid to the attention of prospective customers and customers than ever before. It is no longer about clicks and likes, but about being present in people’s minds and being able to monetize them. The gaming industry shows with job profiles like Monetization Managerthat the new way of launching successful digital business models is often in the freemium area, where basic content or services can be used free of charge. Even if this does not correspond to the classic rules of the market economy that the Digital Controller may still be used to a pay-to-use era, this model makes a considerable contribution to the success of start-ups in this area.

With adoleo you have a strong and well networked partner at your side. With our organizational consulting we plan your digital marketing organization of tomorrow. Developed by our own by a DAX chief digital officer Management diagnostic methods allow insights into existing organizations and show development potential. Rounded off from recruiting, which we take over for you as Headhunting for specialists and as Executive Search for executivesand board members, we offer you a selected keyboard of the most important services for the successful establishment of digital marketing in your company.

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